DreamQii PlexiDrone
1. Multiple platform support
2. Ready to Fly
3. Additional Options
1. Slightly Higher Price
DreamQii’s PlexiDrone will be hitting the market in Spring 2015 and has us excitedly waiting in anticipation of all it has to offer. Ready to go from the box, this small, user friendly drone can be operated by the PlexiGCS App for iOS, Android, and Windows. This drone snaps together in under a minute and no tools are required. The PlexiDrone works with your favorite camera and mobile device and offers options available for additional cost to really make your shots breathtaking!
The PlexiDrone makes capturing amazing aerial videos and pictures easier than before. GPS Follow Me and real-time camera control right from your smart-phone or mobile device gives this drone a competitive edge over others. PlexiGCS allows you to control multiple PlexiDrones at one time, giving you the ability to capture videos from all angles. The GPS Follow Me on the PlexiGCS app is as easy as pressing “Follow Me”; the drone will then follow a moving object, or stay focused on a single point of interest. The moving target would need a mobile device, iOS, Android or Windows smartphone running the app and have their GPS enabled. PlexiGCS allows for live video feed from any WiFi or IP camera, GPS Waypoint planning and navigation, simplified direction control, real-time telemetry display, single touch GPS Follow Me, control of camera view & rotation, real-time voice and buzzer alerts, sharing of photos while you fly, and more. Of course, control via a standard 2.4 GHz Radio Controller is also available if desired.
DreamQii added on a feature that will save you from the work of cropping your shots in post production by making the landing gear retractable. This provides a 360° field of view with no propellers or landing gear in the way, making shots far more professional. Included ultrasonic sensing allows the PlexiDrone to detect obstacles in its path with a sensing distance of up to 32 feet away. The PlexiDrone’s Obstacle Avoidance feature allows you to decide if you want the drone to stop completely or find another path entirely if it experiences an obstacle. A bottom facing ultrasonic sensor on the unit allows for altitude hold and automatic extension of landing gear to protect your camera if the drone comes too close to the ground. Two optical sensors, one front-facing and the other bottom-facing, increase stability in indoor flight even without GPS availability.
The current cost of the PlexiDrone Starter kit is $699. This is a pre-order price that is below what the expected consumer price will be once the drone is available in retail stores. Included in this price is a PlexiDrone, PlexiHub, 3S 6250 mAh LiPoly battery and battery charger. You can upgrade the PlexiDrone from a Quad-Copter to an Octo-Copter by purchasing the Octo Upgrade PlexiArm kit for an additional $199. The Octo-Copter upgrade allows for better stability and heavier payload capacity. With the original Quad-Copter propeller system, the PlexiDrone can carry a maximum 1000 gram (2 pound) payload. The Octo-Copter upgrade increases the maximum to 1500 grams (3.1 pounds), though it should be noted that the upgrade does reduce flight time somewhat.
With the standard Quad-Copter arms and propellers the PlexiDrone has a 29 minute hover or 25 minute mixed flight time. With the optional Octo-Copter upgrade the flight times reduce to 24 minutes for hover only and 20 minutes for mixed. Both sets of the flight times are great for a consumer friendly flying drone. At 15 x 15 x 5 inches, and 2.2 pounds Quad-Copter and 3 pounds Octo-Copter, the PlexiDrone is a light weight, consumer friendly, high quality drone that has us extremely impressed. We are pleased to put the DreamQii PlexiDrone on our list of iReviews 2015 best drones.
Related YouTube videos:
<a href="http://drones.ireviews.com/dreamqii-plexidrone-review"><img src="http://www1.ireviews.com/images/2015-iReviews-bronze-badge.png" alt="DreamQii PlexiDrone iReview"/></a>
Jim Toves December 30, 2014
The Plexidrone is going tobe the best Drone to buy this Spring.
mojodrone November 27, 2015
DreamQii and Klever have clearly forgotten all about this interview. Do not buy a PlexiDrone or anything from DreamQii! The product simply doesn’t exist and it’s doubtful if it ever will! No one has seen it. They haven’t delivered the PlexiDrone to any customers and have not delivered the BublCam, or the Sony video cameras either. It’s all just a dream idea right now (or a nightmare for some customers!). If you visit their Indiegogo campaign page, their Facebook page or other “PlexiDrone” customer pages you will quickly read about the frustration many customers are experiencing. If this is how DreamQii treats their customers who have supported and backed them before they have even produced a product, imagine how bad their customer service will be if DreamQii ever does deliver their product!!
John Smith October 25, 2016
I am not sure if this is the first time you have invested in a crowdfunding campaign or are just intentionally doing this to destroy the reputation of the company. They are very much out there and not trying to spam anyone. Production delays are a very common thing and happens to any company. If production delays happen to a company that is just starting off, it is nothing new. DreamQii as a company has been focusing on more important aspects right now which include perfecting the PlexiDrone. They already revamped the initial model to look and perform much better. Even though they have been slow in getting back to their customers, they have still been getting back. Many customers have already got back refunds. There are lots of new videos being posted showing the progress of the company and the drone. A company that is trying to spam their backers would not be posting videos and giving refunds or interacting with customers on their pages such as YouTube and Facebook.
Not John Smith December 14, 2016
@JohnSmith.. You surely have been drinking the Kool-aid. NO refunds, NO relevant videos, NO reviews, NO drone,
scott November 10, 2015
It’s a rip off filled with delays and broken promises and lies from DreamQii. It’s November and still no release. I bet it done get released at all.
Mike K October 26, 2016
I don’t know man. I believe plexidrone is going to be released
Saw some footage this few days of Plexidrone flying on their youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycGujzu2mnM Hard to imagine them giving up on a working platform. It’s definitely not easy for a startup company competing with large company like DJI, delays happen.
james December 7, 2015
I spent $1250- and never saw anything , this is a RIPOFF company , I had to hire a lawyer to try and recoup my money .
Ben December 17, 2015
What was the result, have you gotten back your money?
John Smith October 25, 2016
He got his money back. Not because he used a lawyer, but because he went through the system and asked for one. DreamQii isn’t trying to scam anyone, they have just been going through production delays. Would you want to have a drone that is not well built or rather have one that performs excellent. Patience is what people need.
Ra November 1, 2016
Most people asking for a refund are not receiving any. Or a heavily discounted one at best. I didn’t receive any response or feedback to my concerns. I understand patience, and I understand crowd funding campaigns don’t always go according to plan. However, Its been more than 2 years now, still no Plexi Drone. I’m starting to lean towards the idea that I wont ever see the Plexi Drone.
Not John Smith December 14, 2016
@johnSmith… they offered 50% refund and now nothing. 2 years later why haven’t they produced something? Competition has already come out with everything the Plexidrone was supposed to have 2 years ago. PLUS a camera. Have you seen what they have flying around in their videos? It looks like a pterodactyl and about as big. So what if they produce something now they are way behind what you can already buy from DJI. WITH a camera.
scott December 31, 2015
Scam don’t buy it. 2016 and no plexidrone…lol
Joanna Jerdyk October 25, 2016
The production process has delayed them. Its worth considering that the company has around 10 people only.
Natasha November 20, 2016
Two years is a long delay! haha
Bart January 7, 2016
You give a product that doesn’t exist 4.8 stars? Really….??? Based on what?
I ordered this scam product year(s)??? ago….. Date keeps slipping…they don’t even talk about ship dates anymore…just continually revamping and extending their marketing scam to get more poor idiots like me to send them money for a product that is the real Phantom Drone of the industry….
It’s really sad….don’t believe me…google it yourself and read the forums. Indiegogo is at this point…and contributor to the problem.
Treyella Sink October 27, 2016
Would you rather want an old outdated drone or a new revamped one for the same price you ALREADY paid? Can’t believe how blind and foolish people are.
John November 12, 2016
Wrong,you must work for them. It has been over 2 years and they have not come up with anything. I want what I paid for when they said it would be done. Revamped? All companies revamp theirs and they sell as new models
Natasha November 20, 2016
Correct. Two years is a long time to wait. I can understand delays for a startup but no company takes over 2 years to only come up with foolish excuses like revamping the product!
Fern April 3, 2016
This is turning out to be a big scam and the 2 million in contributions will soon disappear just like the web site will as well. I blame indiegogo as the starters of this whole thing. Broken promises and bull delivering dates. Don’t send a penny to this site or get yourself scammed like we did. The web page is perfect reflection of what’s behind this company if you want to call it that. Buy a DJI drone and save your cash.
John Smith October 25, 2016
Support website is back up.
robert hsynes May 16, 2016
its a scam! 1 .5 years since the first promise of delivery. 5/2016 still no drone or updates.
Frederick October 31, 2016
Clearly you havent followed anything from Plexidrone’s youtube channel or facebook page. DreamQii keeps posting review, how to, and other videos. People who actually buy the plexidrone get updates. They even have a support page running and looks like their website looks different… it looks like you people got paid to troll all over this page.
Natasha November 20, 2016
Still 2 years is a long time to wait. Companies deliver products while continuing to make their product better not promising clients a better product and never delivering anything!
Don Gubrud May 19, 2016
Your Pre-Order was NOT a scam!!
You just paid for their party times. So did I.
Just bend over and kiss it goodbye.
Joanna Jerdyk October 25, 2016
You won’t be kissing it goodbye once it flies in through your window.
BB June 9, 2016
Every thing said above is TRUE!.I like so many others was mislead,lied to,It’s almost two years since I bought into the Plexidrone scam.I don’t believe any thing tell me.So many Delivery Dates have come & gone.The one thing they have done is destroyed my willingness to fund any kickstart campaigns. Hate the thought of my money paying for their LawyersBB.
BB June 20, 2016
6/20/2016 Is PLxiedrone Gone.No emails no contact.No way to contact.Tried the chat line again for the 10th time with no response,even customer support is gone?.
Juan October 21, 2016
They are definitely back, I spoke to them a few days ago try: support.dreamqii.com
darren August 15, 2016
I got my money back last year, just after March. To be fair, their fb page is still there, they keep posting stuff, and it seems they have a production model and backers will be choosing options soon. There is a video of it flying. Idk, I gave up last year. They were pretty-well full of s when I dealt with them. I’ll check it out if it ever makes the shelves.
Bruce September 23, 2016
Glad I got my money back. I doubt if it will ever get to market. So many more out there to choose from. Drones that actually exist and work. Gopro one looks most interesting.
Sai Krishna Gangavalli September 29, 2016
how did you get your money back bruce please help
Juan October 21, 2016
I kept my preorder for the Plexidrone. I agree with Darren, it has been a long time but their fb page is there and their support site is open too (support.dreamqii.com) although their main site is not. I think if they did ran away there would be already thousands of articles about it. It is highly likely they’re taking time in getting the product ready, hopefully that will happen soon
Natasha November 20, 2016
There wouldn’t necessarily be thousands of articles if they ran away. They are a startup company nothing big to deserve wall street recognition. I do not believe they will ever deliver anything, 2 years of production delay is not normal.
Anirudha August 20, 2016
Will plexidrone fly in no GPS and a mangetic intereference area ?
Leah October 31, 2016
Check out their support website https://support.dreamqii.com/hc/en-us/articles/227922087-Advanced-Safety-Features. Looks like they do have option to fly indoor without GPS. Hope it helps.
John November 12, 2016
NO it will not because there is NO drone. They are scammers. I ordered almost 2 years ago and nothing. Now a guy is going to come on and say they are doing updates to make it the latest technology etc. etc. You cant make updates to a drone that doesnt exist
Ron Raines September 30, 2016
Greg October 4, 2016
Now that the DJI Mavic Pro is out. The rest of the drone builders can jolly well stop all these nonsense!
Noah Ethan October 24, 2016
The Plexidrone will be way better when its out. Just check those features out.
John November 12, 2016
What features? To take people money , thats the only feature it has
Natasha November 20, 2016
I agree with John!
Not John Smith December 14, 2016
I agree with Natasha
Noah Ethan October 24, 2016
The whole Plexidrone and DreamQii situation has been quite unfortunate. We as backers and customers wanted DreamQii to put out a successful product that gives all of the features they promised. However they have been in their production phase for a while now. In all fairness to them, they did completely revamp their older model in order to make the new model look and allegedly perform better.
They have started getting more active on social media now and are starting to show some promising videos on both their YouTube and Facebook pages.
Lets hope for the best.
Federeica G October 26, 2016
But if they had kept the old Plexidrone design they would have a) delivered sooner b) saved money to developed a better one later.
Trevor Adams October 28, 2016
But seriously, seeing the new drone now, do you you still want the old drone, which obviously has less features?
Federica G October 28, 2016
Im not talking about the new or old Plexidrone. Im just saying things could have been different and would have saved trouble. But I guess you could say youre right…
John November 12, 2016
Yes I want the old drone, send it to me. Wait you cant because it doesnt exit? All new drone come up with new features and they are new models. DJI has Version 4 out and not the Mavic , Did they wait all these years to release the Mavic? No they released the Phantom 1-4 first . This aint no Milli vannili album
David Dorman October 24, 2016
Tom Chen October 26, 2016
Is DreamQii still alive? Really looked forward to having a plexidone but haven’t really gotten any update of their product recently
Mike K October 26, 2016
Me too, really looking forward to getting my Plexidrone!! <3 I believe they're still alive. Saw them releasing a revamped support site a couple weeks ago , it is much better than before. There’s also pretty awesome videos showing the new plexidrone flying. You should check them out . I sure still believe in them
Mike K October 26, 2016
Here the links if it helps
dreamqii support website: https://support.dreamqii.com/hc/en-us
video of Plexidorne landing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycGujzu2mnM
Tom Chen October 28, 2016
Glad to know that DreamQii is still alive, still wonder what took them so long to release the plexidrone though.
Joanna Jerdyk October 28, 2016
sounds like it is production delays. We should have more answers once the website is up.
Ritwika Kaalia November 1, 2016
How to buy the Plexi Drone if I want one? Where is buying and Plexi drone price information listed? And also the plexidrone release date?
Very much thank you.
John November 12, 2016
Dont buy it, The release date was 2 years ago and there is still no drone. But many people that lost their money
Not John Smith December 14, 2016
Best to buy the Mavic Pro for 1200.00 .. It does come with a camera and everything you would want in a photography drone.
Natasha November 20, 2016
Not John Smith December 14, 2016
I agree with Natasha
Nordin December 16, 2016
Wholesale scam big time….dream on for the drone which will never be in production. Indiegogo is also a party to this scam. Not trusting any of these crowdfunding campaigns. Once bitten twice shy.
Ron Raines December 27, 2016
Definately A SCAM
BUBBLECAM . All my requests for a delivery date havebeen igniored . I suggest everyone do ad i have started , which is post as many negative piosts ad pissibke on their sites and as comments on their adverts , i will keep this up but as many if us ad possible should do the same and shut them down!’
Smart Bart June 6, 2017
This is the biggest scam in the industry. June 2017 and still hasn’t shipped.